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Are you ready to get back to work but wonder if your cash will last long enough for business to return?

What if you could kick the 'work hard and hope' financial model to the curb?

With Reset Relaunch there is no longer a need for 'work hard and pray' as your primary financial management tool ! You'll learn how to know your cash flow run rate so that you can lead your business to financial success and make reasonable decisions in advance rather than expensive cash infusion decisions in the nick of time so that you are more profitable! In Reset Relaunch you will learn how to foresee your cash flow fluctuations as a good thing rather than a panic inducing roller coaster ride.

Reset Relaunch is...

a cash flow toolkit that will help you manage your cash on hand so that you aren't surprised after working so hard

  • Two instructional videos

  • A financial spreadsheet toolkit

  • A customized workbook

  • A checklist to cash flow security

  • Access to a private group for like minded community and Q&A

Ready to plan for profit?


Are you thinking that it was hard to make ends meet even before Covid? And does that make you wonder how your business could possibly survive now with social distancing requirements? Have you spent most of your career working hard and praying that the money side will work out once you get busy enough? And, while you are super happy to just be going back to work, are you also worried about how your bank account and your business will work out?
was hard to make ends meet even before Covid? And does that make you wonder how your business could possibly survive now with social distancing requirements?   Have you spent most of your career working hard and praying that the money side will work out once you get busy enough?  And, while you are super happy to just be going back to work, are you also worried about how your bank account and your business will work out?

Imagine if you could know your cash flow in advance so a lack of funds is never again a surprise.

Imagine you could then make proactive empowered financial decisions for your business so that you are able to focus on serving your community and your staff.

Wait! What's included for $99?

(such a great question!)

  • Video lessons

    The Reset Relaunch road trip has 2 tutorial videos to set the stage and walk you thru the spreadsheet cash flow tool so that you know how to use it in your business as often as you want to manage your cash flow.

  • Cash Flow Toolkit

    It's a fancy spreadsheet where all the formulas are set-up for you so all you have to do is plug and play!

  • Workbook

    The workbook will also walk you thru all of the tools and provide you with a checklist so that you are all set in knowing your cash flow run rate and are planning for profit.

  • Private Facebook group

    An online community to connect- with other hospitality business owners and me to ask questions. And where I'll host the added bonus of a bi-weekly FAQ workshop.

  • Time...

    It's a crazy weird time right now and we are all on slow motion and super busy at the same time. You get to keep these resources and tools forever. They are yours to keep so their is no time limit. This toolkit will take about 3 hours of focused time so I estimate 3 days. You can go slower and you can take more time- it's up to you.

  • It's proprietary

    While I think this is a great resource and I hope it becomes part of your business- my work is my livelihood and I ask that you do not share it with others. It's priced low so that it is financially accessible.

Deagon Williams

creator of Food Financials & proprietor of Culinary Business Strategy, is a chef and food business consultant who uses deep industry knowledge and an unbound intuitive curiosity with her clients to realize the next level of business opportunity and success. Deagon completed culinary school at La Varenne in Paris followed by an intensive apprenticeship program all while eating her way through the streets of Paris and the European continent. Deagon was part of the first wave of American women to work their way up the kitchen ladder in high-end kitchens. She began honing her management skills and style beyond her culinary education as the Executive Chef at the age of 24. She later rounded out her education with an MBA with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship and Finance. She brings 20+ years of experience as an Executive Chef, event planner, business owner, business development specialist, mentor and consultant to Culinary Business Strategy. Since 2008, Deagon has worked with clients to refine, improve and enhance their internal and external operating systems through flawless execution and strategic growth road maps and courses. Culinary Business Strategy works with food entrepreneurs to establish positive strategic connections between people, products, and services.

Is this for me?

(I am so glad you asked!)

If you've been thinking, 'I know I need to get a solid grasp of the numbers, but I just want to make and sell great food and drink!' then Reset Relaunch is for you. Its' the tool that is specifically designed for the hospitality industry and it makes managing your money more fun than going to the dentist! For many business owners, the financials are slightly less fun than going to the dentist and yet they are almost always on the back of your mind. Many think 'I know I need to get a grasp on those numbers, but I just want to know if my business is gonna make it.' Reset Relaunch is the tool for you to solve that question and problem- how much money do you have on hand and how long will it last you?

What do other people have to say?

(wow! you ask such great questions!)

Bicycle Banh Mi

by Jessie

Deagon helped Bicycle Banh Mi develop our financial model. The process of developing this model laid a foundation for us to evaluate the viability of our business. Deagon guided us through a deep dive and exploration of our cost of goods sold (COGS). This opened the door for us to evaluate the items on our menu that weren’t profitable or financially feasible. Had we not done this, we wouldn’t have been able to analyze what was working and what was hindering us. Getting to this point was one of the most eye opening milestones in our business. The numbers tell a story of where we are now and where we want to be in the future.

Cabana Dave's

by Dave

For a variety of reasons, I couldn’t figure out what I needed to do to take my business to the next level. We thought we were doing all the right things, but weren’t as successful as we should have been. Once we started working with Deagon, the error of our ways became abundantly clear. Over the course of our working relationship, Deagon’s advice and counsel had the following impact on our business: • We opened a new component to our business that drove significant growth • Our wedding catering business grew by 30% • We became the exclusive caterer for one of the top vineyards • Our private catering business increased by 25% • We increased our business by 25% with one of our largest existing clients • We jettisoned some loss leaders to be able to take on more profitable long-term business • And we grew our total business by – 66% year over last year

Food Business Course Feedback

by Cynthia

Deagon is an absolute treasure. I’d love to have her as a stakeholder or influencer in any business and I know many others feel the same!”


by Rachael

Deagon was an essential part of my business' launch. She gave me the foundation to financially understand my business, my model, and how my product can succeed. One thing I've learned is that finances are always changing, so we will most definitely be hiring Deagon again to take at a look at how we're doing business, refresh our financial structure, and make our business more efficient + effective.

Sandcastle on the Beach

by Chris

Deagon Williams wants you to succeed. In fact, she thrives on delivering valuable business information, time saving ideas and honest feedback. She has no fear stepping in and evaluating issues as well as praising what is already working. I am incredibly grateful for the depth of knowledge and information she shared and applied with the restaurant and with me personally as an owner.

Jittery John's

by Kristina

The work we did together was incredibly necessary and timely. I feel absolutely great about the work. I wish I'd met and engaged you to help me with my financial model years earlier!

Pomella- Ba-Bite

by Mica

When I first met Deagon, I was looking for help. I new I had a problem, just not what it was, or how to fix it. At the time I had my catering company for 12 years, and a restaurant that just turned one. Everything was going well, and not good enough. Deagon came, and looked, really looked. She asked question and spent time with our employees. She didn’t wave a magic wand, she did better, she taught me how to recognize and solve my problems. With her guidance we reorganized the menu, both content and styling, so it was easier for our customers. We made some changes to layout for better flow, and the most eye opening – we learned how to standardize procedures, and train, train, train. Deagon did much more than help me fix a problem, though she did that too, she forever changed the way I do things, she gave me tools. Now I consult with her before making moves to prevent problems, to set things up right so I don’t have to fix them. Deagon is the expert eye, who lives outside of your head, and points you in the right direction.


  • Q. But what if I don't know when I can open my business back up. Will this still help me?

    Absolutely! This cash flow tool kit is perfect for this situation as it let you know how much sales you need to make ends meet. And it is a tool that you get to keep and use over and over again.

  • Q: I'm not very comfortable with numbers, what if I don't know all of my numbers?

    A: It's ok, you don't have to know all of your number- the more you know the better but you don't need to be an accountant or financial adviser to use this tool. All the formulas are already set up for you. It's plug and play.

  • Q: Do I have any support or access to you while using this toolkit?

    A: You sure do! With the purchase of this product you'll also get access to my private Facebook group (Food Biz Builder) where you can ask questions and I'll give a bi-weekly workshop to answer all the questions that come up.

  • Q: Can I share this with my colleagues?

    A: No. It's priced this way so that everyone can have access to it. Also, this only works as a product and is my livelihood. I respectfully request that you respect my time and intellectual property.

  • Q: Are there any refunds or a trial period?

    A: Due to the digital nature of this product there is no trial period and no refunds. It's a product that works. I guarantee that. What I can do instead is offer my time in the bi-weekly FAQs so that we are both sure that it will work for you. That is a guarantee.

  • Q: Can I email or call you with questions?

    A: This is a self-contained product. As an added bonus for the introductory rate I will answer questions daily in the private Facebook group and offer bi-weekly FAQ workshops, but I am unable to offer individual support.

  • Q: How long do I get to use this product?

    A: Forever! It's yours to keep!

  • Q: What is all of this again?

    A: I am so glad you asked! It's a digital cash flow tool kit for food and beverage business owners to know how to manage their money so that we eliminate the work hard and pray method of financial business management. It's a tool that I designed to help every small business be more empowered to navigate cash flow fluctuations comfortably and effectively.

Who is this for?

Food & Bev business owners who want financial success management

  • Rick - Restaurant owner

    A restaurant owner who closed down in mid-March with mounting bills, nervous staff, some EIDL or PPP money and a burning desire to get back to work and feed people.

  • Jenn- Bar owner

    A bar that has not been selling to patrons on premise for a few months and only doing pick-up to-go sales but is beginning to think about opening back up and wonders how the financials are going to shake out.

  • Rashaad, Caterer

    A catering company manager or owner who knows that large group gatherings are not happening anytime soon and has pivoted to a different type of food sales.

  • Shunta- Artisan Food Company Owner

    An artisan food product company that may have experienced rapid increase in sales in the last few months but is not sure if they are actually making money on each sale & wondering which way to grow your business.

  • Mason- Commissary Kitchen owner

    A food & beverage business owner that has been doing to-go sales for the last few months and wonders if it makes financial sense to go back to the old way of doing business.

  • Quinn- lunch delivery business owner

    A food delivery company that is now wondering if it is time to expand or continue on the same trajectory.

Introductory rate: $99

(but not for long)

I am offering Reset Relaunch" Planning for Profit to my community first for an introductory rate of $127 with an added bonus of Financial Terms and Concepts. Now is the time to take action before the price increases to $187.

Reset Relaunch- the cashflow toolkit for food and beverage businesses seeking clarity and confidence in effectively managing the financial side of the business. This digital product will help you effectively navigate cash with confidence so that you are more profitable!

Introductory Price $99 for 2 video tutorials, the cash flow toolkit spreadsheet, the workbook and the checklist to learn, use and keep leading your business to financial success.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Reset Relaunch Planning for Profit

    • Welcome! Start here!

    • Welcome to HOPEFUL HOSPITALITY Reset Relaunch: Planning for Profit- Let's get started!

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Planning for Profit Toolkit

    • Planning for Profit Workbook, Worksheet & Checklist

  • 3

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Before you go...

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